  • avw.se [更多详细Whois]
  • 顶级注册商: Registrar.eu
  •  注册时间: 2020年08月23日
  •  过期时间: 2025年08月23日, 还有337天过期
  •  域名状态: active
  •  域名年龄: 已经生存 1489 天
  •  解析地址:
  • Whois信息:[更多详细Whois]
    # Copyright (c) 1997- The Swedish Internet Foundation.
    # All rights reserved.
    # The information obtained through searches, or otherwise, is protected
    # by the Swedish Copyright Act (1960:729) and international conventions.
    # It is also subject to database protection according to the Swedish
    # Copyright Act.
    # Any use of this material to target advertising or
    # similar activities is forbidden and will be prosecuted.
    # If any of the information below is transferred to a third
    # party, it must be done in its entirety. This server must
    # not be used as a backend for a search engine.
    # Result of search for registered domain names under
    # the .se top level domain.
    # This whois printout is printed with UTF-8 encoding.
    state:            active
    domain:           avw.se
    holder:           OPENO9035-60
    created:          2020-08-23
    modified:         2024-09-01
    expires:          2025-08-23
    transferred:      2020-08-31
    nserver:          ns2.undeveloped.com
    nserver:          ns1.undeveloped.com
    dnssec:           unsigned delegation
    registry-lock:    unlocked
    status:           ok
    registrar:        Registrar.eu
  • 友情提示:按注册局要求,过期域名可能会处于注册商自动续费期阶段,您在此查询所看到的域名到期日仅供参考,

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